How to remove kaspersky completely
How to remove kaspersky completely

how to remove kaspersky completely

Click on the Clean button to fully uninstall Kaspersky and clean out the hidden files that come with it. Review the apps and choose Kaspersky and its related files.


After scanning, all the apps on your Mac will appear on the main screen. See the Microsoft support website for instructions. Simply click on the Uninstaller tab and start scanning the apps on your Mac by pressing the Scan button. If the application icon is hidden, click. This would literally save us hundreds of hours of labor to push this out in a GPO login script. To remove a Kaspersky application: Right-click the application icon in the lower-right corner of the Desktop and click Exit. My scripting experience is limited but I am willing to learn anything. I would also like to force this operation so that it will be removed absolutely. $app= get-wmiobject -class win32product |where-object $app.uninstall() My questions is is there a way to write a script to remove kaspersky of multiple versions using something like The biggest problem is that there are multiple versions of Kaspersky installed Now, I am the Cisco networking guy, but I got the bright idea to bring up writing a Powershell script to accomplish this task so naturally I became in charge on this project.

how to remove kaspersky completely

Using the Windows removal tool (Add/Remove Programs) to completely uninstall these programs is often insufficient. Remove Trovi from your browsers: Internet Explorer. It is considered a best practice to use the application publishers own recommended uninstaller & utility when attempting to totally uninstall a security application, such as an Anti-Virus program. Here, look for Trovi, Trovi Toolbar Conduit, Search Protect and similar entries and select Uninstall/Change. The task of going from machine to machine and editing registry values in order to bypass the required Click Start -> Control Panel -> Programs (or Add/Remove Programs) -> Uninstall a Program. We are currently in the process of removing Kaspersky from all of out machines. I work for a small schools district of 11 schools and an IT staff of 4 people.

How to remove kaspersky completely